July 27, 2022

*on the alp + some words

Another week has passed and I'm still in a state of weakness, on the weekend I got another round of relapsing fever which was very exhausting, but at least I could sleep twice a day to shorten the time of being here. I can't believe that this is already going on for a month now, it's not how I have imagined this summer to be at all. After the last hell of a summer, I did not directly have plans about this one, but I wanted to be able to at least have a summer, if you know what I mean. What will it burn away from me this time? I realize that I did not look after my boundaries well enough, when it comes to letting others invading me with problems that are not made to be solved by me. Of course we can have an open ear for others, but there are people out there who actually do not want to sincerely get rid of their problems, rather they use them to get your attention and energy. And when you get sick in a way that bleeds you dry in energy as much as Neuroborreliosis does, you start to think about where you have let yourself bleed out of energy or let certain people suck you out like a hungry tick and you think deeply about energy management and how important it is to be aware of where your energy goes and that you learn to respect your own boundaries much more even if some people might find it hurtful if you withdraw from them. (You can still love them) The same way as I obviously have allowed to let a tick deplete me completely I have allowed it certain people to do that. Learning to say "stop" and "no" is an ongoing issue in my life. I think many of you can relate to this! Anyway, I hope you are enjoying your summer a lot more and are collecting many little precious moments! 

I did not make many pictures when being on the alp last month, but I remember well how uplifting it felt to be on top of this mountain and feeling the fresh air on my body, it is really hard to be down when you are up so high! Much love + until soon!


Lily said...

Wunderschöne Bilder und tolle Erinnerungen!

Nein sagen ist schwer, aber besser ein Nein als anschließend sauer zu sein, weil man wieder seine grenzen überschritten
hat und es einem schlecht geht. Ich übe auch noch.

Liebe Grüße!

wideeyedtree said...

Danke, liebe Silke! Das ist wirklich eine Lebensaufgabe für sich! Liebe Grüße!

Isidora said...

Oh, yeah, and when you make boundaries, people disappear. :))) And it is easier to breathe then, they leave space for better people.

Be strong, I hope autumn will be better. :*

wideeyedtree said...

Dear Isidora! Sometimes though they don't disappear, they start to try to force you and make telephone terror, even though you explained them a hundred times your point of view and why you can not go on anymore like this. But yes, I need that space. Thank you for your words! I also hope that autumn will bring back health and energy! Much love!