February 25, 2019

*black birds

Personally one of my favorite set of pictures of this winter. I'm always thrilled when I manage to catch flock of birds with my analogue camera, it's so tricky!

February 23, 2019

February 19, 2019


The winter wind
blew me away.

February 18, 2019

*winter trees

Everything turned monochrome.

February 15, 2019

*wooly things

I finally finished the scarf that I started knitting exactly two years ago :) {My plan is to use up all old wools that I are lying around in my home for ages} There is a new project on my needles already – a little blanket. Pictures will follow!

February 12, 2019

*gloomy times

It's always impressing how nature's color palette is fading more and more in the winter season and the trees are getting blacker and blacker. Analogue photography is able to underline that gloominess even more.

February 06, 2019

*when it still was Christmas

It seems such a long time ago already.

February 04, 2019


Welcome to Narnia!

February 01, 2019

*red + white

The first month of the new year was a quite tricky one in many ways, but in the end I see the necessity in all the changes and happenings. They will have an impact on the future in a good way as I hope at least. We have icy days and still snow, but I can sense a change in the light more and more, behind the dull sky is a sun that is waiting for a new calling to raise nature out of its sleep again.