November 29, 2021

*first Advent

The first Advent weekend was really wonderful. We had so much snow which made it very easy to get into pre-Christmas mood. We made nature walks, went up a castle ruin with a wonderful view over all the wintery rooftops. In the evening I made an advent wreath with fir branches and decorated it with walnuts and poppy seed capsules from the garden. A few survived the summer hails luckily. 

I hope you enjoyed the first Advent weekend and that you do not have too much worries on your mind!

November 26, 2021

*The first November days

{Music: Eftir Sneeuwland – Oskar Schuster}

November is coming to an end already, 
but I have a little movie here of the beginning of the month. We are really having the first snow today,
it is so beautiful and calming! This time of the year = ♥︎

November 25, 2021

*withered sunflowers

I love the final stage of sunflowers, when the birds have picked out all the seeds already and the framework of the plant is glowing in a reddish earth tone. 
In August R. cut off 30cm of my hair again. Always a very freeing moment! It's about 15 years ago that I last have been at a hairdresser. I know many of you love going to the hair salon, but I really find it very uncomfortable there.
We still had no real frost yet, but it is getting really chilly and when the forecast was right, we will have the first snow tomorrow! Let's see!

November 18, 2021



Kite + Harvest





Magic wand

Last year I took part in the #moontoberweekends drawing challenge. And because it was so much fun I was happy to take part this year as well. I did not manage to complete it, but here are all the prompts I made! Hope you enjoy them!

November 16, 2021

*fall shades

Some heavy fall shades in my recent photos.
Fitting to my heavy heart.
But no pain lasts forever.
And there are always hints of hope and helpers,
invisible as the wind.

November 10, 2021

*Raffia bag

I really love to crochet with raffia yarn, so I made another bag, but in another natural shade. It turned out really pretty, what do you think? The pattern is from KatitoBags in case you want to make one as well! It's actually a very summery bag, perfect for the beach, but I think it looks also nice with all the autumn leaves around :)

November 09, 2021


Zinnia eye candy
and my grasshopper visitors 
that seem to love them just as much as I do!

November 06, 2021

*ray of light

The weather was moody when we made a trip to the lake, but there was this moment when the dark clouds opened for a while and set some sunbeams free and the light made this warm reflection in the water.

November 04, 2021

*October movie

{Music: Shadow Bloom – Florist}

Another little movie where I share the making of my Siena bag and some quality time at the lake.

November 03, 2021

*garden apples

There is nothing better than picking an apple from the tree and eat it instantly - which is what we mostly do. But this year we had enough to make all sorts of tasty things like cookies and homemade vinegar. Is there any receipt with apples that you especially like? 
November is here and with it came the fog and the air is smelling a bit like snow today which makes it very cozy inside. We harvested the last potatoes and there are still many carrots left. No strong frosts yet! I ordered a Christmas book to nurture my already present Christmas mood.
I wish you all a wonderful November with lots of delicious tea, soothing nature walks and good reads by candlelight!