July 31, 2017


Pictures of our mini trip to the mountains back in June. Time is flying fast!

July 22, 2017


Sharing peacefulness.

July 14, 2017

*a cozy place part 2

This was the most coziest place!
A bed of moss surrounded by firs.
A soft light came through the branches.
The moss was so thick,
that when I stepped on it, my feet completely sank in.
No sound was hearable other than forest birds
and the cracking of moving trees.

July 11, 2017

*a cozy place

I love all seasons in the forest.
They are all so different and unique.

July 07, 2017

*garden update

Waiting for the tomatoes to turn red
and eating lots of cucumbers in the meanwhile.
The nasturtium I grew from seeds
that I got from Sylvie via snail mail.

July 05, 2017

*wild poppy

Isn't that wild poppy field amazing with a row of cornflowers on the side.

July 01, 2017


A good year for all sorts of rosaceae.
The different pink shades in the warm evening sun – a delight for the eyes!