July 03, 2022

*bird couples

It is known that many birds stay together with one partner for a lifetime, so I thought it would be nice to make ceramic bird couples. I think they are a really nice gift for a wedding couple or dear friends. They almost all found a new home already which makes me very happy. Today in the morning I finally took my time to work with clay again after some break, it felt so good to feel the clay in my hands again. I made some more birds and two hedgehogs. Can't wait to start the kiln again, but it will take some time still. I hope you had a good first July weekend and you are bearing the heat!


Marie said...

Ohh die sind wirklich wunderschön :) <3

Jana said...

So schön, dass du wieder getöpfert hast. Ich bin schon gespannt <3

wideeyedtree said...

@Marie: Danke, liebe Marie!

@Jana: Oh Jana, ich freu mich, dass du da bist!!!