February 21, 2018

*a cup of snow

More wintery pictures of the fresh snow!

February 19, 2018


I know, I am repeating myself,
but I am so in love with the winter color palette,
all the pretty grey shades and the naked trees
unfold the prettiest green and red tones
and they are looking a little differently every day!

They say it will have minus degrees
throughout the coming weeks.
The ground in front of our home
turned into a sheet of ice.
Nice to look at, but tricky to walk!

February 17, 2018

*playing with ink

Since the weather is not that great recently I decided to scan and show you some of my random ink drawings that I do without sketching out with a pencil before.

February 15, 2018

February 09, 2018


February is here already!

White tulips inside,
snow outside, the third day.

Postcards of my last illustrations.
Love how they turned out!

Journaling a lot, testing out different pens.

And enjoying organic "Kipferl",
a typical Austrian sort of croissant.

Have a lovely day!

February 07, 2018

*winter tones

I love how the first picture turned out – it was a very stormy day, the wind blew the dry snow around like sand in a desert and branches full of thorns stuck bizarrely out of the white. The sky had such beautiful grey tones – what a great color palette winter has!

February 06, 2018