December 16, 2022

*raw ceramics

There is something so beautiful about raw ceramics, to see them all together in one place before glazing. I almost do not want to paint on them to keep this natural feeling about them and maybe I will create more ceramics in the future where I let them in a more natural state like the wall candle holders that I made. I have to share them here still, but you can see them in my movies already. I only glazed the part where the candle will be placed to make it easier to remove the wax, but the rest I left completely raw. There is still so much to explore in the field of ceramics!


nina. wippsteerts said...

Oh, Du machst zweiteilige Sachen! Ich drücke die Daumen
Und ja, wunderschön
Einen schönen vierten Advent
Liebe Grüße

wideeyedtree said...

Danke! Ich kann es kaum erwarten den Brennofen zu öffnen! Ich wünsche dir auch ein wunderbares Adventwochenende! <3

cococita said...

So much beauty!
Will you sell them in your Etsy shop?

wideeyedtree said...

Dear Elke!
Many of them I did make for Birthday gifts and Christmas,
but some will find their way into my shop for sure,
I just lack of energy and time at the moment to take all
the pictures and work on the shop further. Also the dark weather
makes it really hard to take decent photos for the shop.
Much love,