September 07, 2022

*Garden update

Good morning!
I just made my first tea from my roman fennel plant in the garden and thought it would be nice to make another little garden update here. There are still so many zinnias blooming new every day and finally my little grasshopper friends found them too! The watering got easier and it is truly the time of the year where we can harvest most different veggies at once. It is true abundance! I hope weather stays stable for some longer so plants do have enough time to develop seeds. Sometimes frost comes too early and I am not able to get seeds from certain plants. It was a bad year for beetroot, but luckily carrots and parsnips grew well. The grapes got ripe earlier than ever and soon it is time to get the potatoes out of the ground. This is also the time of the year where I already think about the next garden season and what I will do differently or which plants I want to try out new.

One thing that I wanted to tell is that it really took me some time after not having a garden for so many years that I actually had to learn that I can go outside and pick something from it! It was really a process. Maybe some of you can relate! 

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