September 04, 2022

*August, a flower dream in a soap bubble

{Music: Amid The Chaos Of The Day – Hans Zimmer}

September is already here and I forgot to post my latest movie here.

August was all about finding back into the beauty of simply being. I made soap, played with dried flowers, observed the insect world, enjoyed all the flowers and ripe veggies, let soap bubbles fly in the warm summer air and started to crochet a bit again. I feel more than ready for autumn now and the last days already brought some fresher air and morning fog!

We just returned from a little vacation with the camper. The travel was super hard for me at the beginning as I got another relapsing fever and absolutely felt like hitting rock bottom and did not know how to manage, but the first days it rained so much that it was not too bad that I laid all day. I was unsure if I should go at all as the bad state started already before leaving, but I did not have any expectations for this holiday anyway and as we did not have anything booked and were completely free I knew we could drive home any time anyway, so I gave it a try and I don't regret it. When I felt a bit better again, I just enjoyed the beautiful forest area and started to read the book that we chose in the book club and even filmed a bit and made some pictures. My dear sister was so kind to look after our garden and home in the meanwhile and it was really nice to have some time with her as well today! I hope you had a good start into September and are enjoying the changes that the new season brings!

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