March 03, 2022

*the simple things

I guess the recent war events in Ukraine have shocked us all and left us overwhelmed and full of worries. I won't say much about it here, but the media is busy once again to spread its lies, same as it has been doing it for ages to keep people unaware.
Ronald and I had our 15 year anniversary and we celebrated in a calm way, we made a long walk in the riparian zone of the Danube to collect some wild garlic and observe the wildlife. 
I also started a new drawing challenge to distract my mind and crafted little paperboard boxed for some of my ceramic items that I will send out to friends. I hope you are able to enjoy the simple things in life and remain full of hope!


Lily said...

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu 15 Jahren!

Ein Spaziergang an der Donau hört sich gut an!
Habt Ihr viel Barlach gefunden?

Diesen Winter war es viel zu warm, Corona geht immer noch um und in Europa gibt es Krieg.

Crazy times...
trying to find peace...

cococita said...

we will forever continue
to see the beauty in the ordinary:
it's the recipe
for a healthy life ...

wideeyedtree said...

@Lily: Danke, liebe Silke! Ja, es gibt dort Unmengen an Bärlauch, aber er ist wirklich grade erst am Aufkommen, ich konnte aber genug sammeln, um den ersten Bärlauch-Hunger zu stillen :) Ja, sehr seltsam dieser Winter und der Rest sowieso!
Liebe Grüße!

@cococita: yes, that's the plan :) xox!