March 16, 2022


Planting Positivity

Vase full of love

Folk Art Flowers

Portrait with Flowers

As I told you earlier, I joined the drawing challenge #bloomingmarchweek at the beginning of this month. I was really happy when hearing about this challenge, because it helped me to keep a positive focus and distract my mind of all that is going on in this world. I really like doing series of paintings, picking a certain color palette so that they all match with each other.
Today in the morning I was finally able to open the kiln to see my first high firing ceramics! What an exciting moment! As I had no experience with this at all and never made any classes, I was worried a bit, but it all turned out wonderfully and I can't wait to make pictures of all the pieces!


Lily said...

Glückwunsch zum Hochbrand!
Ich bin gespannt auf die Ergebnisse!

wideeyedtree said...

Danke, liebe Silke! Ich hoffe, ich kann bald was zeigen!