March 10, 2024


We found the last deer yesterday in the early morning hours dead in our garden. At least it is reunited with the others again. I'm running out of tears lately. Storms Night and Day, reflecting the turmoil inside of me. The bad news are not breaking off and I long for a pause to be able to process all that has happened this year already. 


Stéphanie said...

Oh I'm so sorry, it's so sad that they have all died, I wish that they weren't so vulnerable to cars. I lived in an area of England known for the resident deer population in my teenage years, they really are such beautiful animals, I understand your heartache. I hope you get some good news soon, I know that struggle with one thing after another. I really think that the arrival of spring will help too, hard things feel lighter and more manageable when the days are brighter and warmer. Most of all I just wish you peace and happiness, and for things to be simple.

nina wippsteerts said...

Ach, das tut mir so leid. So leid für die Tiere, die viel zu lange haben leiden müssen. Und für Dich/Euch, weil Ihr so hilflos wart. (Vielleicht hätten sie einen Parasiten, Krankheit, Ihr hättet nichts tun können)
Möge das Frühjahr etwas gute Zeit bringen
Liebe Grüße

Jana said...

Ich denk an dich! Es ist keine leichte Zeit.

Düschen said...

Das mit den Rehen ist wirklich furchtbar :( Mir tut sowas immer so sehr im Herzen weh. ;_;