March 31, 2024

*Easter hedgehog

Happy Easter Sunday!

March 29, 2024

*rising in spring

March is coming to an end already. I feel like feeling the taste of food in my mouth for the fist time again after a long period of starvation regarding my creativity and general vital force. I'm coming slowly back to life like nature and I could not be any more grateful. Still there is so much going on, so many worries all around and inside, but after a time of beneficial self isolation, I feel more stable inside of me again.

Early in the morning, when the moon was resting over the village, Rudi (the pheasant that sits under the quince tree in our garden each day) and I got startled by the ratchet boys. They are coming with their bikes to make a short stop and scream. An Easter rite of that I'm not really fond of. Silence is precious and rare.

The apricot bloom was followed by the wonderful vibrant pink bloom of the peach trees and right now the cherry trees are opening their first blossoms and yesterday I saw the first open tulips! I got used to the slower spring pace here. I almost did not film at all this month, last recordings have been of the little deer in our garden. After it died, I felt opposed to take up my camera. But yesterday when I decorated the Easter bush, I started to take up filming again and I hope it will bring me some joy again.

In any case I wish you a wonderful Easter weekend!

March 23, 2024

*The first snowdrops & 17 years together

{Music: Light and Water – Rasmus H Thomsen}

I always forget to post my little movies here, so a little later again:

First little signs of spring are brightening up the otherwise gloomy days. On our anniversary we visited an old ruin castle where we had an amazing view over the Kamptal area.

March 22, 2024

*hiding sun

Impressions of the autumn-like days that we had throughout February and most of March. I love how this series turned out though! I'm slowly taking up my brushes again and trying to get into a routine. Yesterday I also cleaned the greenhouse and started to prune the raspberries. We had several days with frost and minus degrees in the nights, but it seems the coming days will get milder again.
Tiny heads of stinging nettles are popping out of the ground, so I started my yearly nettle cure. I'm looking forward to all the fresh greens that soon are available again and and the different tree blooms and that it will become spring here in my blog as well!

March 20, 2024

*High flight

Today I was browsing through one of my old diaries (from 2006) where I had written down a poem by the Anglo-American pilot John Gillespie Magee Jr. who fought in WW2. He died when he was 19 years old.

High Flight

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of wheeled and soared and swung.
High in the sunlit silence, Hov’ring there
I’ve chased the shouting wind along and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.

Up, up the long delirious burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark nor even eagle flew
And, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.

March 10, 2024


We found the last deer yesterday in the early morning hours dead in our garden. At least it is reunited with the others again. I'm running out of tears lately. Storms Night and Day, reflecting the turmoil inside of me. The bad news are not breaking off and I long for a pause to be able to process all that has happened this year already. 

March 08, 2024

*Returning to the comfort of words

Two days ago we celebrated my Birthday with a walk at the river where billions of snowdrops are covering the ground right now, the weather was quite grey again and windy. We met a men who was working with a logging horse in the forest. He told us that wood work with horses is not as seldom as we often assume. Nowadays a lot of wood work is done with huge harvesters and they destroy so much in the forests, the work with a logging horse is a lot less invasive.

Unfortunately only one deer remained of the flock that lived in the area around our house. It is a little one, that has found refuge in our garden recently. First it only came from time to time to graze, but since several days it also sleeps there and does not even flee when we are near. Don't know how to lead it to a safer area. It always goes back to the place where it has lost the others. The street is so near, it's really a dilemma.

March 05, 2024

*spring dreams

Welcome to March!
I don't know where to start, it feels already so long ago, since I last sat down to write here, the last month has been so emotional exhausting and full of worries, that I was not able to take up my brushes to paint at all (those "spring dream" paintings are from January), but also unexpected nice things happened. First signs of spring have shown up so early! I found first snowdrops and the apricot trees are starting to bloom already! Now only the sun has to follow – we had mostly gloomy days throughout February. No snow at all, but I don't know if I can trust the weather enough to start preparing for the new garden season, let's see...
In any case I hope you had a good start into March and that it will bring you lots of spring flowers and good feelings! Until soon!