August 18, 2023

*let it bloom & camera stories

Do you know the let it bloom magazine already?
It is one of my favorite magazines and it's all about the beauty of flowers & nature and people who are dedicated to them. It's a real treasure with it's clear design and big photos and I love the paper it is printed on.

Except for the fossil urchin, I brought the stones with me from our vacation at the sea in June. Do you also like to walk along the beach collecting pretty stones and sea glass? It's hard to resist for me!

Some time ago I took the risk to get myself another second-hand Zenit E camera after several mispurchases. Most people just don't know if the camera is still working that they are selling and in the most cases it just doesn't properly. I had my old Zenit E for several years, it was my most used camera and sadly at some point it stopped working for good. I think it was in 2019. I thought just getting another working Zenit E will do it, but it didn't, all the models that I tried afterwards had a totally different outcome of pictures. The colors were far too virulent and saturated for my taste and so I was not truly happy and lost the joy in my "newer" Zenit E camera. But recently I gave it another try and got myself another Zenit E model from Ebay. Trying the first film role in a new old camera is always scary, I already have noticed that not all shutter speeds are working properly, so my fear was even bigger that the film will be ruined, but to my surprise it worked with the remaining shutter speeds and the pictures turned out similar to my beloved past Zenit E camera! Maybe it was only a coincidence and the light was just right, but after trying it out more, I will be able to tell more for sure. I really hope I will be able to have this camera for a long time now!

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