August 04, 2023


August has started with moody weather. It is raining every now and then and the sky is mostly covered. On my early morning walk I saw three more hoopoes! And on our big apricot tree was a squirrel, sitting and patiently eating a nut that I have placed outside. I'm always excited when I see a squirrel in our garden, because we do not have many in our area. Today I noticed that the blackberries became suddenly ripe, I decided to make some jam. Contrary to Ronald, I don't eat a lot of jam, but blackberry jam is my favorite type! My dahlias are blooming so abundantly, I would have never imagined that they would grow so well here with our intense climate. I also got back a developed roll of film, here are the first pictures, I think you can easily feel the warmth of July through them. Enjoy your weekend!

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