March 10, 2020

*the last winter days

In the meanwhile winter came to an end, the snowdrops started finally to blossom, I became one year older and my soul a little lighter. The transition from winter to spring feels each time like a rebirth and this is also something one can only truly understand who has experienced the ongoing inescapable darkness of the cold season. It sits in the body and my longing for fresh greens from the garden is huge at this time of the year, so I usually sprout a lot of seeds to make salads, juice carrots or fruits and I started to make a stinging nettle tea cure with fresh stinging nettles from the garden. They are just coming out of the soil, but big enough to cut the little tops to prepare the tea. I sip it throughout the day for as long as it feels right to me and I can only recommend it, especially with fresh stinging nettles. Anyway, I wish you days full of sunshine and spring flowers! Until soon again! 

1 comment:

jabbott said...

Happy belated birthday to you. Have not heard from you in a while hoping you ok. Take care xx