March 20, 2020


Sorry for the absence, I hope you are ok in these challenging times we are facing right now! There are a lot of things to reorganize and rethink and we all have to do our best to stick together to make the best of the situation.
I wanted to show you a little series of acrylic paintings I have done the last month. It is ages ago, that I last painted with acrylics and my fingers were itching to try it out again and so this litte series came into being. I used a limited color palette of three to four colors + white to create a certain mood and to make it not too overwhelming for the senses. I hope you enjoy them!


cococita said...

So so beautiful!
Sending you much love
from the south of France.

Did you start your garden?

I bet it's a blessing now,
to live where you live,
maybe more than ever ...

wideeyedtree said...

Too early to really start yet, but hopefully I can do more soon in the garden, dear Elke!
It is indeed a blessing and to be honest I felt this coming for a long time when still living in Vienna, that is also a reason why I wanted to move to the countryside and have a garden! People are too disconnected from nature nowadays, but nature provides it all for us. But it gets harder with all the pollution and extreme weather. I hope for a big change of thinking in humans and therefor many have the time now!
Take also good care of yourself!
Sending you a big hug!!!!

Düschen said...

Sehr schön!!!