August 09, 2019

*Ilford HP5 | part 2

This old, abandoned farmhouse in my neighborhood was the ideal place to play with the old black and white film. I love the brick walls and old wooden window frames with already broken glasses where wild wasps build their nests inside. And the changing seasons also change the feel and impression of the building again and again. I hope they will not demolish this for decades now untouched house. I made many pictures around this place over the years and I still don't get bored to let it shine in a new light in my photography work.
Have a nice weekend!


Sasja said...

beautiful photo's and a beautiful friend of mine! ♥

Jana said...

Ich bin so froh, dass du unabsichtlich den Schwarz-Weiß Film eingelegt hast. So unglaublich schöne Fotos!

wideeyedtree said...

@Sasja: Thank you once again! ♥︎

@Jana: Ja, ich auch!!! :) Danke!!!