October 27, 2024


We are having misty days, but still quite mild temperatures for the time of the year. We only regularly heated the tiled stove so far and hardly the kitchen stove. I'm full of ideas for my clay work. The last firing did not turn out so well for some pieces, some black pieces have created "warts". I already knew about the issues with dark clays, but made some more research about it, the higher manganese content tends to gas out when firing with high temperatures and you have to find the right temperature where it still sinters. But I had pieces with other clay too, so I did burn all together again. But still I'm really excited of the black clay outcomes, I love how the light glaze behaves on it. It created those reddish little spots and the transition to the transparent glaze is simply beautiful. So I am not that disappointed, I already took some pictures that I will share soon again here. Further I finished knitting a hat, I haven't knitted for ages, so I had to kind of find my way back into it first, but after some time my hands remembered what to do again and it worked out and even fitted. I just used wool leftovers and no fixed pattern. And I found an old knitting UFO (unfinished object), that I had since at least eight years in a box on our attic. I hope I manage this winter to finish it finally! Let's see how it goes! In any case, enjoy your weekend and see you soon again!

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