December 03, 2023

*Tiny blue paper crane

We are having the most wonderful first Advent weekend here! Yesterday it snowed all night and day and honestly I can not remember when we last had so much snow at this time of the year! All the white filled my hear with peace and I could not get tired of looking out of the window. Already in the morning the deer came into my flower garden bed where I had planted some excess mangold in spring that I never harvested because all the flowers and herbs were growing so wildly that I was not able to reach it anymore without stepping on the other plants, so I just let it grow out. The deer where munching on it and I could not even be worried about the beds, it was so nice to have them so close, I filmed them a bit and later we made a trip to the castle ruin of Gars where we had the most wonderful view over the wintry city and overall landscape! Of course we also had to shovel snow a lot and free our hedge and certain trees and the greenhouse from the snow load and carried a lot of wood up the stairs, but it is how it is, every season holds his duties. Today the icy winds made the cold feel more like minus 25 degrees. We originally wanted to choose our Christmas tree in the forest, but the conditions and all the heavy snow on the trees made it not possible, so we will try the coming weekend again. I will head to the kitchen now to bake a cake and wish you further a cozy evening!


Verena Fay said...

Wonderful Claudia!
Deer in the garden, fire to keep warm, time to wander, what else would one need in winter's time; if you have the inner light on. We had a cold day without electricity (we do not have wood stove) but we made the best out of it, lots of snow shoveling (can't remember so much snow also) held us warm, we played games, slowed down and at the end of the day my worries about loss of anything were totally gone. A great lesson about trust. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend with lots of sun-rays. Hugs, Verena

Düschen said...

Oh, der kleine Kranich :') und die Schnecke! Ich hoffe dir geht es gut. Ich versuche noch diesen Urlaub meinen Brief an dich abzuschicken!!!

wideeyedtree said...

@Verena Fay: Bald kann ich die Rehe im Garten zeigen, die Aufnahmen sind wirklich gut geworden und werden in einem neuen Video verpackt <3 Auch wenn es sehr anstrengend sein kann ausschließlich mit Holz ohne Zentralheizung zu heizen, bin ich doch genau aus solchen Gründen sehr dankbar, weil es dann eher nicht zu Ausfällen kommen kann und man mehr autark ist und bei uns schalten sie relativ häufig den Strom aus, oft zwar nur für so 5 Stunden, aber es reicht um zu sehen, wie es sein kann. Meistens nutze ich die Zeit, um mich dann in Ruhe hinzusetzen und einen handgeschriebenen Brief zu schreiben, so ganz ohne Ablenkung :) Ich hoffe, ihr könnt euch nun wieder anständig wärmen! Dieser Winter hat es schon jetzt in sich von den Temperaturen! Alles Liebe + schön, dass du da bist!

@Düschen: Hallo, liebe Marie! Den Kranich hat mir meine Freundin Olivia geschickt, der ist wirklich winzig und so süß! Ja, ich bin am Weg wieder in die Balance zu finden! Mal sehen, wie es die nächsten Tage wird! Ich freu mich schon auf deinen Brief und denke fest an dich!