July 03, 2023

*touch & scent

A dear friend asked me recently what is giving me the most comfort and I had think a little about this question, but came to the answer: touch & scent. Those are also the two things that I remember about people of my past the most, how the hands of my grandmother felt like and how her hair smelled, and the smell of my grandfather when he came home from woodwork in the forest and how tight his grasp was when he clasped my arm. And my mother's pillow that I would cuddle in, when she was away and the feeling of her hands on my back when I was little and was not able to sleep after having a nightmare. I have this blanket that Sunny had all those years and every now and then I take it out of the closet to unroll it and it still has captured his smell. I often ponder about how genius the great spirit was who devised everything around us, that we now can experience with all senses. Every flower, every plant has his own specific scent, every human has a different smell. Isn't it a miracle on its own? 
What is giving you the most comfort?


nina wippsteerts said...

Geruch ruft bei mir auch am meisten Erinnerung wach. Und ich bin da auch sehr sehr dankbar für! Eine wunderbare Gabe, die uns gegeben wurde.
Pilzen ist es hier wohl noch zu trocken... (Und bei Pilzen denke ich an die Pilzsuchen als wir Kinder waren, mein Vater war da sehr gut drin)
Liebe Grüße

wideeyedtree said...

Liebe Nina! Mein Vater ist auch super im Pilze finden und Bestimmen! Ich liebe Steinpilze am meisten und hoffe, dass ich heuer im Herbst welche finden kann. Genieße die Sommertage! Liebe Grüße!