April 04, 2023

*I have felt it all

The turmoil of my life has absorbed me,
while the winds are still gelid
and the peach bloom is shining surreal in the lurid April light.
It emerged when the curtain of heavy clouds opened
for a glimpse of a moment.

Letters have been written with ink and tears.
Birds have spoken when the first rain after months appeared.
Too harsh is the world to me in many ways,
but in the blink of an eye all sorrows are drowning
between the white petals in the air in front of my window.
Just for a little moment.
Just for now.

This year I have felt it all,
and you have been my only witness.


Verena said...

Ich fühle mit dir Claudia! ...und in der Stille fließt ein Fluß, an den setze ich mich und lasse es vorbeiziehen, während ich sehe, dass sich eine neue Welt öffnet. Alles Liebe, Deine Verena

wideeyedtree said...

Danke, liebe Verena! Ich freu mich, dass du mich hier ab und zu besuchst!