Those pictures are all from our long walk on my Birthday last month (except for the last one, it was made a little later, but it matches the others), the one where we got a bit lost in the end. At the beginning it snowed gently, but later the sun came out as a present and we met a really nice couple with a chihuahua, similar to Sunny, but a little bigger and it was a girl. Nature was still sleeping back then, since some days now spring is stepping on the gas and you can see clear changes with every new day. Last week I managed to prepare all garden beds and sowed most vegetables. When the weather is better again I will continue with the flowers! We are having some deer living very close to the house, I see them mostly in the mornings and evenings when I open the house door and of course I can observe them through the windows. Sadly it is also the time of the year where the most wild animals die on the streets and my heart is aching every time I see another carcass lying at the side of the road. I will go now and prepare some things for Easter and I hope you enjoy your Easter weekend!