September 26, 2024

*Apple breakfast under the birches

Apple breakfast under the birches – memories from August.

I'm back what feels like from the dead and forgotten ones.
We have been at the beautiful Croatian island Hvar for a while. Unfortunately Ronald got sick, so we left earlier and I got infected too only a few days later and have been tucked to bed again for over a week now with high fever and everything unpleasant that one can imagine. Today, when I stepped out of bed after another feverish night in the morning to open the window, I saw that the forest hills in the distance are covered with a thick, almost white blanket of fog and the birches show some yellow spots in their foliage suddenly. It's finally happening, autumn has started! I can not wait to feel like a human again, to be able to use my senses. I lost my sense of smell completely and it burdens me more than the additional loss of taste. I can fill my stomach anyway, but not being able to smell, feels like being taken away a whole dimension.

1 comment:

nina wippsteerts said...

Oh weh, ja es geht einiges (nicht nur neue Corona Variante) um. Und Ihr habt laut hier geschrieben. Den Geruch zu verlieren (temporär) ist wirklich hart. Ich bin auch ein absoluter Duftmensch und verstehe bis heute nicht, warum es kein Parfum gibt, dass diesen wunderbaren Geruch von alten Apfelsorten hat. (Nicht die Shampoo Variante bitte, ekelig) 😄
Kommt schnell wieder auf die Beine. Weiterhin gute Besserung.
Ganz liebe Grüße