August 05, 2024

*Call it Causelessly Merry

Summer is a loud time, colorwise and in other ways, too. So I loaded my zenit B camera with a black & white film and was really pleased with the results. The timeless feeling b&w film is creating, is matchless.

My sister recently shared a poem with me, that I wanted to share here as well, it directly speaks from my soul.

Call it Causelessly Merry 

I am glad that clouds are traveling cross the skies
And that it rains, hails, freezes, and snows.
I am glad also during the green season’s rise,
When wild roses are blooming and elder shows
That blackbirds are whistling, and bees are humming,
That midges are biting and bluebottles are drumming,
That red air balloons are rising into the blue
And that the sparrows are speaking and the fish stillness pursue.
And I am glad that the moon is up in the sky
And that the sun is rising every new day, high
And that autumn follows summer and spring follows winter
Pleases me. There is sense in it, isn’t there?
I know, the smart ones won’t buy that
But not all can be understood through the head!
I am glad and that is life’s aim.
I am glad before all that I am.
All is tidy and cheerful inside me
The corridor is sparking, the flames poked high
On such days, we climb the ladder, you see
That leads from the earth into the sky
Up there we can, as taught us our mothers,
Because we love ourselves – also love all others.
I am glad that I never quite
Seem to get used to all beautiful, miraculous sight.
That everything remains so amazing, and new!
I am glad to be glad, aren’t you?

{Mascha Kaléko}

Where do you experience the greatest joys in your life? For me it are never the big events that I feel deeply in my heart. It are always the most mundane and unexpected moments that make me feel good the most, like playing with the wind, cleaning spider poo off the rooms floor corner, a little bird taking a bath in a puddle, the sight of the crescent moon, when it is so thin that it is almost invisible, a slight touch from a dear hand, a smile to a stranger, the first moment my feet touch the water when taking a bath, a snow flake landing silently on my arm, little holes bitten by a bug into a leaf, the smell of all the wild grasses out there, closing the eyes at the end of the day. All this and much more.


Lore Stars said...

Now I need to take a roll of black and white film. I also enjoy the little moments in life, little things that happen everyday but most people don't notice. You are very sweet.

Anonymous said...

Your words made me thoughtful, because I am the same way. It's the tiny little moments, fleeting feelings and experiences that might appear mundane to others that give me the greatest joy. The smell of rain on dry dusty forest trails, cobwebs on railings on freezing cold but sunny February mornings, watching the light dance across my floors and walls throughout the year. The feeling of heavy blankets on a cold winter night, and hearing tyres on wet tarmac on the street outside at 4am. The few minutes I take after swimming my usual lengths session where I stop and hug the wall of the pool and just feel my body sway in the water feeling tiny and invisible for a while before I get out and get changed and walk home. Seeing lights on in people's homes at dusk as summer winds down and autumn begins, and my daily calls to my dad where we talk about everything and nothing, but often about how things are growing in his garden, and what the robins and blackbirds have been up to, and our most recent foraged finds. It's the little things. Always the little things. The big moments are special too, of course, but I wholeheartedly agree with you that the greatest joys in life are found between the lines or in the midst of simply living.

Stéphanie said...

Sorry, published as anonymous by mistake!

wideeyedtree said...

Thank you! Yes, I totally agree, most people have their focus somewhere else and oversea the beauty that is right in front of us in the every day life.

wideeyedtree said...

Oh, I enjoyed reading all your little joys very much! I can feel all of them, too! I think I could write endlessly about this topic! Thank you for sharing! <3