July 28, 2024

*cloud pillow

If you follow my blog from the early beginnings, you maybe remember the little cloud pillows I used to sew and sell in my shop. In June I felt like sewing one for myself again and today in the morning when  the temperatures were more bearable, I took my chance to take some pictures and I was so happy when the swallows started to join me again.


Lily said...


Stéphanie said...

So cute! I didn't know you used to make these, I'll have to dig through your archives!

wideeyedtree said...

@Stephanie: Oh, you will not find all my old sewing projects here anymore, because some years ago, I deleted 10 years of old blog posts, because I needed to let go of the old somehow. I used to sew a lot! And also crochet a lot more. But that is how life goes I guess, we can not stick to the same over and over. Have a lovely day!

wideeyedtree said...

@Lily: Danke, liebe Silke! Hoffe, ihr habt es nicht zu heiß heute!