February 01, 2024

*a world of great suffering & beauty

The end of January felt heavy, we found one of the roes (that is living near our home) dead directly in front of our garden. It's sight made me cry so much. When I had a closer look I saw that one of its hind legs had an open fracture. We contacted the huntsman to collect its corpse. He said it got for sure hit by a car and that it's sad that so many people do not report it when it happens. The roe had to perish miserably without the hope of quick release. This thought is tormenting me.
Afterwards in the evening I plied Ronald to cut my hair, about 18 cm are off and every time it fascinates me how unburdening it feels! As if a huge burden falls off instantly. I really needed that!
And now, let's welcome February with posting some pictures of my last film that I picked up yesterday. I was very curious about the outcome, because it's full of winter pictures and I think it's not disappointing at all!


Stéphanie said...

Oh the poor little love, I would have been just as upset to discover a roe's body in such a situation. I hope they didn't suffer for long after they were hit by the car. I'd love to see a photo of your hair, I'm not brave enough to take a big chunk off mine in one go, but I did give myself a small trim the other day, and it feels nice to be rid of the really thin ends.

Here's hoping February is both brighter and lighter, winter is moving along now and the days feel longer already.

wideeyedtree said...

Dear Stephanie, it is so good to let go of a bigger length of your hair at once, you should really try some time! It's so relieving, everything feels lighter than. And in winter time hair drying is always a pain for me somehow. My hair needs so long to dry! I hope February will treat you well!!!

nina wippsteerts said...

Das mit dem armen Tier tut mir so leid. Leider ist es so, dass mehr Tiere durch Autos verenden als wir so vermuten und gerade, wenn dann einfach weitergefahren wird...
Kein schönes Erlebnis für Dich.
Das mit dem Haare schneiden kenne ich auch. Gerade bin ich aber wieder in der Phase, dass ich sie lang wachsen lasse 😊
Schön aber auch, wenn sie dann plötzlich so kurz sind und wuschelig
Liebe Grüße