February 08, 2021

*fairy wizward

I felt like painting my big-nosed, long bearded fairy wizard again and his home tower that is surrounded by giant flowers.

Since yesterday everything outside is covered with a thick layer of clear ice and when I say everything, I really mean it. Even the earthy ground, the whole lawn and trees and the streets so badly that we are not able to make a step outside, it's too slippery and the vehicle that usually salts the streets, crashed into the hill in front of our home, sirens are howling and the cellular network is not working anymore. I really like wintery weather, but black ice is not that funny actually. Let's see how it goes on! In any case, have a good week and see you soon again!


Lily said...

Oh wie schön!

Hier liegt gerade ganz viel Schnee, da machen Deine Bilder Vorfreude auf Sommer...

wideeyedtree said...

Danke! Grade nach einem richtigen Winter, fühlt sich der Frühling dann doppelt so gut an <3