November 19, 2018

*dark clouds, fall winds and braided hair

Dark clouds, fall winds and braided hair.

We are having our first snow! I was pretty surprised when it started yesterday evening. I packed my camera and made a walk when it was still dark in the morning to enjoy it, before it is all gone again, but it's still there now! I also started to crochet after a long break. It feels good to do some needlework again, especially with those long evenings. Have a good start into the new week and keep warm!


jabbott said...

I too have returned to crochet.its nice for my hand to be at work on something that can be a gift or something practical ♥️

Sandra Dunn said...

Someone gave me a chunk of clay, and like you it feels good to connect with a former beloved medium again. It's comforting and centering. Stay cozy!! Happy crocheting!

wideeyedtree said...

@joy: Isn't it nice! It's so soothing for the mind! And yes, practically too! So, happy crochet time!

@Sandra: It seems life is really no straight line, it's more going in waves and circles. Working with clay is truly grounding! Have a creative time!