November 24, 2018

*big trees and a blue cage

Once in the while we are visiting the wild park area (about half an hour car ride away from our home, so not very far). I love that place, because there are still very big, old trees, each so unique and soulful. There is this sky-blue cage thing in the middle of the meadow that looks so surreal somehow. I want to see this place when all is full of snow, maybe we mange this winter! Wishing you a cozy weekend!


jabbott said...

Lovely whimsical photos. What is the blue cage for? Is it for a Christmas display? It's quite pretty and airy with it there. If anything the birds and spiders will make good use of it !

wideeyedtree said...

Hmm, I don't think so, it's up there all year. But really, don't know! ;)