After the frost days the weather changed drastically, we had at least 16 degrees, the birds were happily twittering while the rabbits were enjoying the uplifting sunshine on the field behind our home.
Recently I have found a tiny caterpillar in my salad from the grocery shop. It was too cold to put it outside, so I placed it in a terrarium with some more salad and twigs. It was eating non stop until one day it started to crawl around a lot, seemingly searching for something. On the next day it was surrounded by a thin construct of threads, it obviously started to pupate. I never had the possibility to observe such happening so closely, I mean all the different stadiums. It's utterly fascinating! You could still see through the net construct, the green caterpillar changed into a brown, more solid pupa. I will for sure follow the process further and hope I will be able to see how the butterfly or moth will hatch!
Der Wechsel war auch hier heftig, auch wenn es nicht ganz so kalt war.
In der Grundschule haben wir damals die Metamorphose des Kohlweißlings gemacht, faszinierend!
Liebe Grüße
Bei uns hatte es nun schon wieder minus 9 Grad, diese extremen Temperaturwechsel sind schon ganz schön anstrengend. Aber für mich kann es gern noch etwas Winter bleiben :) Kannst du dich noch erinnern wie lange es von der Puppe bis zum Schlüpfen gedauert hat? Liebe Grüße!
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