December 21, 2024

*winter solstice

Happy winter solstice! 

Yesterday in the late evening my sisters baby boy was born! He is so beautiful and sweet and we are all so happy and grateful that all went well! Here is the last picture I made of her when she still had her baby belly and was standing under a pink November sky with a shiny half moon.


Stéphanie said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations to your sister on becoming a mother and welcome to aunty life! What a lovely way to celebrate midwinter. Enjoy lots of newborn cuddles and a cosy Christmas as a family.

nina wippsteerts said...

Gratuliere! Ein kleiner neuer Stern und ein gesunder :)
Hab viel Freude nun als Tante den kleinen Erdenmenschen zu begleiten
Wie einEngelzur Weihnachte
Schönen 4. Advent und liebe Grüße

wideeyedtree said...

Thank you! We are all very happy and grateful!

wideeyedtree said...

Danke! Wir freuen uns sehr! Frohe Weihnachten! <3