September 07, 2024

*wild horses

From the day we visited the wild horses when the air was suddenly filled with the scent of autumn.

September 06, 2024

*Bisque firing & Reading poems to the wild asters

{Music: Oars  + Sway – Dmitry Evgrafov}

Bisque firing and some nature moments.
At this time of the year, I like to look for wild asters, luckily I found some in the middle of a wide meadow.

September 03, 2024

*signs from the sky

September has started and I felt instantly entranced by the change of light, how it becomes softer in a way, even though we are still having extreme temperatures over here! I decided to delete my health update in one of my previous posts again, I did not feel comfortable with presenting it here. Sometimes it feels good though to write it all down to be able to process it better, so it had its sense for sure. When I had a hard moment and looked out the window I saw this sylph cloud up in the sky which was like an uplifting sign. This year I noted down all cucumbers I harvested in the greenhouse. I counted 70 so far. I'm always amazed on how much harvest is possible in a small space!