June 29, 2024

*the sides of life

June is coming to an end and I have been silent here for a while. There have been quite upsetting happenings in my family which made our hearts tremble, our minds occupied and our nights sleepless.

Apart from all the worries, we were able to harvest our first cucumbers, peppers and zucchinis and I'm happy to be able to work in the garden again even though we are in the middle of a heat wave. We are having a big variety of butterflies this year and lots of mosquitos!

The whole summer lies ahead of us and honestly all I wish for is to fill it with simple joys, like reading, swimming, feeling the warm winds on my bare skin, listening to the nightingale's song and sinking into soothing self-forgetfulness whenever possible.


Stephanie said...

Sending my love and best wishes for health and happiness to you and your family. I hope that you can continue to enjoy beautiful moments of much needed distraction from your worries. I've just got back from the allotment, scrubbed the soil from under my nails, and feel much better for a few hours of not thinking about the difficult things in my own life, it really is amazing how a little time outdoors can help us through tough times. It doesn't erase the struggles, but just makes them easier to live through.

wideeyedtree said...

Thank you, dear Stephanie! Yes, it is true, the garden is really so beneficial when it comes to calm your mind and nervous system! Nature is always in a state of accepting somehow and not so much in a resistance state like we humans often are, I think we feel this unconsciously and it helps us letting go too. Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate them a lot!

cococita said...

Wishing you courage & breezes of soft & soothing, refreshing summer wind.