January 01, 2024

*merry makers

1-6 Dec – trim the tree / decorating

7-12 Dec – gingerbread house / cozy night baking

13 -19 Dec – building a snowman / ice skating

20-25 Dec – opening presents / rocking around the Christmas tree

26-31 Dec – holiday party / Christmas feast

Dear people, maybe you noticed my sudden absence, I wish I could tell you that I made an intentional break from the internet world to just enjoy Christmas time, but unfortunately that was not the case. Ronald came home with very high fever and terrible pain from work in the middle of December and I cared for him some days until I got really really sick myself to the point where I was not able to sit upright in bed or walk to the toilet alone as my circulation was so bad that I would collapse as soon as I tried. Even when I was lying and closed my eyes I would start to faint and this would give my body kind of a shock every time, followed by a terrible feeling of nausea and I was not able to eat and every sip of water came back immediately which was really scary, because at the same time the high fever was eating me away from the inside. Days went by and I started to become a shadow of myself and really stuck. I don't know why my body struggled so much, maybe because of my health preconditions. I better spare you more details of how terrible it was, today is day 17 of being bound to bed and I slowly try to fight myself back to life once again. The worst is really the circulatory insufficiency and the permanent nausea. I'm really not good in handling those two symptoms. The pain is a whole other story, but this feeling of sickness and unability to digest anything is always horrible for me. When it goes on an on and you can not make a break for a moment and you can not at all distract yourself, when such a state resides, I tend to get depressed after a while which makes it even harder to improve. 

To speak of other things finally, I joined the #merrymakers drawing challenge in December. Here are my contributions! I was not able to continue, so one prompt is missing, but maybe I will finish when I am able to improve my current state and am able to paint again.

I really hope you are doing a lot better than me and that you were able to have a nice Christmas and New Year and I wish you the very best for 2024!


nina wippsteerts said...

Weiterhin gute Besserung! Das klingt alles nach einer richtigen Grippe(Corona ist auch immer noch durchaus heftig und gehört dazu) Hoffentlich erholt Ihr Euch beide wieder bald und gut und bekommt Hilfe, nicht nur ärztlicher Art.
Deine Bilder sind so knuffig, der backende Vogel...😊
Jetzt aber erst einmal wieder auf die Füße kommen!
Dann ein gutes, gesünderes kreatives neues Jahr.
Liebe Grüße

Stéphanie said...

I'm so sorry to hear you're so unwell, I did notice your absence but assumed it was because you were taking some time away from the internet for Christmas, not that you were desperately ill. Have you seen a doctor? It sounds like a really severe illness, I do hope the nausea passes soon, as once you can eat and drink again you'll start to rebuild your strength. Sending you my love, keep warm and rest up, and I really hope you turn a corner very soon.

Düschen said...

Ich wünsche euch eine gute Genesung weiterhin! Ich denke an euch! ♥ Ich hoffe ihr konntet trotzdem halbwegs gut zusammen ins neue Jahr starten. Liebe Grüße ♥

wideeyedtree said...

@Nina: Danke, liebe Nina, ja, der Test war eh positiv, aber da wir es schon hatten, hätte ich nicht damit gerechnet, dass es so schlimm kommt. Ich hoffe, dein neues Jahr bringt viele tolle Momente!

@Stephanie: Ah, I wish it was just an internet break. The C-Test was positive, but we had it already and the other time was really different. I concentrate on building myself up again, I wish it was not such a slow process for me, but since yesterday I feel it is going finally up! I need to gain weight, I don't have so much reserves. Thank you for all your kind words and wishes!

@Düschen: Danke, liebe Marie! Obwohl ich schon so viele langwierige Sachen in meinem Leben hatte, fehlt es mir noch immer an Geduld, es kommt immer der Punkt, wo man denkt, man kann es nicht mehr aushalten. Es muss besser werden, sonst wird man noch verrückt. Du kennst das sicher! Alles Liebe!

cococita said...

Gute Besserung und viele Grüsse.
Sorge ganz gut für einander.
Das ist gerade das wichtigste!

cococita said...

So schön und so süss diese Illustrationen.
Bis in den kleinsten Details.
Ich liebe vor allem den ganz kleinen Schneemann ...