November 01, 2023

*wrapped in spider webs

Another month has gone by, quicker than ever as it seems.

I'm working on different small projects right now and it feels really good to be able to paint again, but always when I feel better I tend to want to make too many things at once – energy management is not something that I have sorted out for me yet – it just feels too good to do and create especially when you had been held back for certain reasons so many times.

Our November started with beautiful sunshine, the leaves are turning colors late this year, but it feels even more special. I will prepare some tea now and will leave some more pictures of the misty days we had here so far.


nina wippsteerts said...

Ist das nicht magisch? Wie eine Spinne eine trockene Blume verwandeln kann?
Ich mag es, dass Dein Igel rote Schuhe hat. Ich mag besonders gern rote Schuhe 😊
Liebe Grüße und einen schönen November

wideeyedtree said...

Ja, die Spinnennetze sind wirklich richtige Kunstwerke! Ich liebe auch rote Schuhe, ich hatte selber auch mal welche! Alles Liebe!