January 25, 2019

*gingerbread magic

Easy recipe for gingerbread:

You need:

• 560g rye flour (I used organic wholemeal rye flour)
• 360g powdered sugar (I usually use half amount of sugar)
• 160g honey
• 4 eggs
• 1 package gingerbread spices
• 2 teaspoons natron

{I made just the half portion: I used 280g flour, about 100g sugar and 80g honey, 2 eggs, half a package of gingerbread spices and 1 teaspoon natron.}

Whip eggs, honey and powdered sugar until foamy. Add gingerbread spices, natron and rye flour and knead until it’s a homogeneously dough. Roll out the dough about 1,5 cm thick and cut out forms. Place on a (with baking paper prepared) baking tray, brush with mixed egg. Bake at 180 degrees about 10 minutes.

For the frosting I used one egg white, a bit lemon juice and added as much powdered sugar until it had a nice, creamy consistence.


January 20, 2019

*The scent of the moon

We have snow-free, but cold days. It's almost full moon here, in contrary to the first picture, where almost no moon is visible. I started to knit a hat with some cozy wool I got from Lily once and I wrote my first letter in this new year. At the moment I am in love with my new silver fir essential oil, it smells so good! What are your most favorite scents? Mine are changing with my moods, but generally I like sandal wood, rose, spruce needles, peppermint, white musk and many more.

There are also scents that are quite personal that are non-purchasable, like the smell of my grandpa when he came home from forest work, or the smell of my fathers car, the smell of the cold air when it unites with the scent of the freshly lit fire in the stove, my mother's hand-knitted clothes, the ears and paws of Sunny dog, certain letters from dear ones.

January 14, 2019


And everything emptying into white.

January 10, 2019


My computer is not doing well lately, so I am not able to blog as regularly as usual.

Some pictures of the dark days filled with crocheting, writing and candle light. We have exceptional much snow in some parts of Austria right now, maybe you have seen it in the news or are actually living in those parts! But here it only started to snow tonight a little bit again.

January 02, 2019

*A new year

I hope you all had a smooth transition into the new year! We celebrated with homemade Fondue, a little firework and the traditional lead-pouring. My personal highlight was the amazing shooting star that I have spotted on the clear night sky shortly after midnight. A lovely symbol to start 2019!