June 10, 2016

*the woods, the woods

I felt like deleting 5 years of my blog. Liberating! And now I'm looking forward what the future might bring!


jabbott said...

Future is happy x

Sandra Dunn said...

I know how you feel!! Also, I'm letting my hair grow. I love how long and beautiful you mane is!

trees and what not said...

Did you delete it? I feel like that a little too. Loving all your film photography x

wideeyedtree said...

@jabbott: hopefully!

@Sandra: Yes, haha it really became a mane. The last time I had such long hair was over 10 years ago. Let's see how it develops :)

@trees and what not: Yes, I did! From 2006 to 2010! Let's see if I will regret it, but I don't think so ;) Thank you! :*