March 01, 2016

*First of March

It's snowing right now! So I will post some older pictures. This strange plant I am observing since over a year. It looked outstanding in summer and still does even though it is withered now. I love the never-ending change of nature. Always something new to spot even though it's the same place.


jabbott said...

Nice you and partner have anniversary 9 yrs beautiful x

mme ulma said...

die fotos sind grandios. wie gut, dass der schnee sie uns beschert.

evdokia t. said...

happy march claudia!
here the weather is springful!
and happy 9 years anniversary! :*

cococita said...

Congratulations to both of you!
I second you on nature and its fascinating way of being: it's an endless source of inspiration ...

Belle Fleur de Lis said...

so so good.
and again congratulations ♡

hope march brings you much love and joy

Sandra Dunn said...

Happy Anniversary to you guys!!