January 06, 2016


Because it's so rare here are some pictures of the snow that we finally have since the last three days.


cococita said...

Thank you so much for sharing! At least some real winter photos somewhere. There will probably be snow here from next week on as well: can't wait ... Enjoy the white blanket and the peaceful feeling of it!

mme ulma said...

herrlich ist das gerade!

evdokia t. said...

snow always makes everything more beautiful!

jabbott said...

So your snow finally arrived, I might see snow here next week according to my weather!

wideeyedtree said...

@cococita: I keep my fingers crossed that you will get a pretty winter blanket ;)

@mme ulma: Ja!!!!! Leider viel zu kurz wieder!

@Evdokia: Indeed!

@Joy: Fingers crossed!