It will take a while still 'til it becomes spring here on my blog, at least with my analogue photography, so I hope you don't mind! We are having heavy storms all days, actually the whole new year is an ongoing storm. We try to make nature walks every now and then, but often it's just too dangerous or unpleasant to be outside for too long. I'm still working with clay, mostly in the evenings when the day is done. I have very exciting news: I was able to fulfill my long-cherished secret dream of my own kiln and in the end it came quicker to life than expected, it's already in our cellar where I made space for it. The first firing went well and right now I'm firing the glazed pieces. I hope all works out fine and I will be able to show you my first finished pieces soon! Oh, there is so much to learn and try out, but I really love it! I love to dive into this matter! It absorbs my mind completely and this is what I really need at the moment. The times are so crazy, I hardly can believe what is going on in our country, in the world, so it does me good to get lost in creating! And two days ago I spotted the first snowdrops, not here in our surrounding, but near the Kamp river where they usually pop up first. They are still in the very beginning of showing up, but it was so nice to see them again!