February 28, 2022

*spring mice

Painting cute mice while waiting fo spring
and distracting my mind from what is going on in the world.

February 27, 2022


{Music: Doctor O'Neill – The Gloaming}

February is already coming to an end. It has been full of storms and windy days. Even though I have reconciled with the wind long ago, it was a bit too much for my senses and I was not able to be outside as much as I wanted, but when I was able to pick the first snowdrops to bring a bit of spring into our home, I felt deeply contented and ready for the warmer season to come. 

February 26, 2022


Good morning! Today I want to show you some of my first finished ceramics. A candle holder, a set of birds and a crescent moon for the wall. I really like how they came out and will show you soon the other pieces too! 

February 22, 2022

*winter impressions

Some more winter impressions when there was snow
and the year still in it's starting shoes.

February 19, 2022

*losing myself

It will take a while still 'til it becomes spring here on my blog, at least with my analogue photography, so I hope you don't mind! We are having heavy storms all days, actually the whole new year is an ongoing storm. We try to make nature walks every now and then, but often it's just too dangerous or unpleasant to be outside for too long. I'm still working with clay, mostly in the evenings when the day is done. I have very exciting news: I was able to fulfill my long-cherished secret dream of my own kiln and in the end it came quicker to life than expected, it's already in our cellar where I made space for it. The first firing went well and right now I'm firing the glazed pieces. I hope all works out fine and I will be able to show you my first finished pieces soon! Oh, there is so much to learn and try out, but I really love it! I love to dive into this matter! It absorbs my mind completely and this is what I really need at the moment. The times are so crazy, I hardly can believe what is going on in our country, in the world, so it does me good to get lost in creating! And two days ago I spotted the first snowdrops, not here in our surrounding, but near the Kamp river where they usually pop up first. They are still in the very beginning of showing up, but it was so nice to see them again!

February 16, 2022

*watercolor update

Some of my latest watercolor paintings.
As I am playing with clay a lot recently I was inspired to paint one of my little characters working with clay as well. The "Moon, clouds & stars" I made for the wonderful label "Murs Clairs". They are available as big, removable fabric wall stickers at Murs Clairs Etsy Store. Even if they are meant to be used in kids rooms, I would not mind having them hanging in our bedroom. What do you think?

February 08, 2022

*frost spikes

This was one of my favorite nature moments. It does not happen often that the frost forms such icy spikes, but it's absolutely beautiful! The wind was nearly unbearable cold on that day short before Christmas and I was hardly able to move my hands, but could not resist taking these photos. And then suddenly a woman with a black horse came walking out of nowhere through the heavy mist. 

February is here and I felt a bit stressed from too many appointments and administrative things that had to be done. Now I'm trying to find back into balance and hope life is giving me the chance. Did I tell you that my lost film turned up again? I was really not expecting that, but was quite happy of course. It was full of nature pictures of the last autumn days and one picture of the very first snow.

February 05, 2022

*winter walk

Pictures from a winter walk.