March 31, 2021


{Music: Faith's Hymn – Beautiful Chorus}

March brought the first snowdrops,
something to celebrate,
a lot of snow
and tiny hungry birds.

March 25, 2021


What is happiness?
Wandering around in an ice garden,
a glimpse of sun through heavy clouds,
glittering nature details,
a duck family crossing the street,
rising homemade dough.

March 21, 2021

*snowy start of spring

Spring has started, but only in the calendar! It is snowing constantly since two days and I can say in all conscience that I have never experienced so much snow in March before. My father told me that in the year I was born, so 40 years ago, there was a "March winter" and the apricots started to bloom only at the end of April which is really late! I'm still feeding the birds a lot and they welcome it and visit the bird feeder very regularly and I was able to film them some more to include them in my next movie. 

March 18, 2021

*waiting for spring | watercolor update

Some new paintings I made in the last month. Three of them are available as prints in my Etsy store, if you are interested in inviting some spring vibes to your home! Currently I am working on a new illustration series as part of the #bloomingmarchweek drawing challenge where it is all about flowers too of course :) 

March 15, 2021

*pattern of ice

It will stay cold for longer as it seems. With new snow even. I had a wonderful evening walk with R. and Sunny yesterday. The sunset was stunning and there was a flock of birds that was flying its rounds in the sky and I was pondering about it. What other reason than joy could make those birds fly like this in that very moment! Nature is so beautiful and always there for us. I wish people would recognize that and start treating nature the way it should be treated.

March 12, 2021

*winter tale

A winter tale.

March 10, 2021

*a promise

Someone titled the picture with the buds on the twigs "the promise" and he is very right. Those buds are the promise that spring will come for sure and that soon life will feel very different in soul and body again.

March 05, 2021

*little birds & flower baskets

I had so much fun painting those little birds, flower baskets and mouse character. 

Yesterday we went to the wetland area, here it is called "Au", it's the area around big rivers like the Danube. I wanted to see if we can find some wood garlic and we did! It is just popping out of the ground, very green and fresh! I picked some and made some pictures of the snowdrops and sat some time under a big tree. It is quite chilly still, 3 degree right now and minus degrees in the nights. Right now it is raining which possible turns into snow later. 

I wish you all a wonderful March with lots of spring flowers and happy moments. 

March 02, 2021


{Music: Moth-like stars Pt. 1 – Max Richter + Svefngengill – Oskar Schuster}

My February in moving images.