October 30, 2018

*fall illustrations

A new logo
and some fall themed illustrations.

October 26, 2018


One stop of our autumn vacation was the Almsee, an extremely beautiful mountain lake in Upper Austria. We had fabulous weather and especially enjoyed observing the swans.

October 24, 2018

*misty mornings

My favorite moment –
when the sunlight
touches everything
for the first time on a new day.

October 11, 2018


It takes like forever until the big red morning sun rises nowadays, but it's the best time to do some studies.

Making lots of envelopes out of pretty papers for my snail-mail adventures and feeling grateful for all my pen pals all over the world.

There is so much happening lately that I started to write diary again to order my thoughts and new insights. I highly recommend it, if you are feeling overwhelmed easily!

October 04, 2018

*At night in the garden

We were always interested what actually is going on in our garden at night-time, because often we hear the weirdest noises and sounds, so my father gifted me a wild cam to my Birthday and since then we were able to catch some of those visitors on picture!