October 17, 2024

*scents in the wind

A last picture series of our stay at the sea.

The island is abound with wild herbs and lavender. I picked some wild sage, that I dried later for tea and took some seeds to try to grow a plant next spring. I have a big sage plant already, but it is a different sort. I drink a lot of sage tea during the whole year. It's really refreshing and medicative.

We are having heavy storms right now, it was hard to find rest with the noise out there, but I finished another crochet project I started recently. A woolen top. It has been ages since I last crocheted a piece of clothing. Let's see if I can take some pictures soon, it is still so dark outside. It still takes over an hour until the sun rises. Take care & have a nice day!

October 16, 2024

*black clay

My first black clay results. They turned out surprisingly satisfiable. It is easier to see directly than on photographs, but the light fire clay pieces of the clay are shimmering like gold in the light. The white glaze has a really nice effect, you can see it best on the last picture where I turned the bowl upside down and the glaze melts with the unglazed bottom. {You can always klick on the pictures to see them bigger.}

October 15, 2024

*more ceramics

Further goes the ceramic show.

October 14, 2024

*playing the ocean

This rainbow was our welcome on island Hvar, it was the first sight when we finally arrived. There is something very special to this island.

Because of the unsteady weather, there were not many people on the beaches or swimming in the sea. But there was this one man, who you would consider to be not the average, I don't know if he had some mental disorder, but that is not the point. After observing him for a moment, I was truly mesmerized. He was completely naked and was holding a key with his mouth, while he was moving gently in the ocean, playing an invisible instrument with his hands, as if the ocean was his piano. He was fully captivated in his own world and seemed to not feel the cold of the water. He did not take notice of others around him or seemed to care about what another might think of him. It was so beautiful to watch. There was this innocence and complete trust in life and the world he emitted. After what seemed like an eternity, he suddenly jumped out of the water, like a child, and ran naked across the street.

October 13, 2024

*white swans

Good morning, it is still dark outside, but on my blog the sun is shining already on my white ceramic swans. Yesterday we made a walk under huge chestnut trees and along the stream through a forest. The wet weather made a big variety of mushrooms pop out the ground and the tree trunks. I finished another crochet project, a light blue bonnet, made with soft alpaca wool. Autumn is really the perfect time for needle work. When it gets colder and you are surrounded by wool, cinnamon tea and the warmth of the stove, of what more cozy can you think of?

October 12, 2024

*blue fennel

Another little set of ceramics with impressed fennel flowers.

October 11, 2024

*bird & plate

Set of bird bowl & plate.

October 10, 2024

*Collecting sunrises on island Hvar

{Music: 17 (Youth Lagoon cover) + The great fire (Future islands cover) – Ocie Elliott + Tides of Change – Joe Kirby + Pulse – Blue dot sessions}

In September we have been to the beautiful Croatian island Hvar. The weather was very unsteady, it rained and stormed a lot, but in between I had the most enjoyable time. The water was still warm enough to take a swim every now and then and every morning I would walk to the coast to be witness of the rising sun. It was pure nourishment for my soul, I will never forget those moments and it feels like a part of me is still sitting there with the wind and waves. We visited the Shepherd's Village Humac, existing since the 17. century and it really looks like it has not changed much since. It was one of the most fascinating villages I have ever seen, it felt so grounding walking between those natural old stone buildings surrounded by all the fragrant herbs. Also I started to crochet a bag for a friend while I was listening to the sound of the waves and the ocean breeze was gently stroking my skin. I was picking wild sage and collected some seeds that I want to try next year. 

October 09, 2024

*I lived my life

Ich lebte mein Leben
zwischen den wilden Gräsern
und dem Glitzern der Tautropfen.

Im Winter zog ich ins Haus einer Schnecke
und träumte vom sanften Wiegen
der Glockenblumen im Sommerwinde
und dem zarten Duft der Windlingsblüten.

Nichts ließ mein Herz mehr erblühen
als der stetige Tanz der Jahreszeiten.
Ein endloser Kreis, der die Liebe beschreibt
und den Sinn für die Unendlichkeit weckt.

Ich lebte mein Leben
zwischen raschelnden Erlenblättern
und dem Hauch singender Libellen.

Wenn ich müde war, lauschte ich dem Flüstern der Sterne,
die immer etwas zu erzählen hatten,
egal ob es Tag oder Nacht war.

Nichts berührte meine Sinne mehr
als das Lachen der Bäume, 
wenn der erste Regen nach langer Dürre
ihre müden Äste streifte.

Ich lebte mein Leben
zwischen dem Schwingenstaub der Nachtfalter
und dem Summen emsiger Wildbienen.

Wen ich durstig war, trank ich aus der Stille des Sees,
der wie ein Spiegel andere Welten verbarg,
in die ich eintauchen
und ganz ich selbst sein konnte.

{Claudia Voglhuber}

I lived my life
between the wild grasses
and the glitter of the dewdrops.

In winter I moved into the house of a snail
and dreamed of the gentle swaying
of the bluebells in the summer wind
and the delicate scent of the bindweed flowers.

Nothing made my heart blossom more
than the constant dance of the seasons.
An endless circle that describes love
and awakens the sense of infinity.

I lived my life
between rustling alder leaves
and the breath of singing dragonflies.

When I was tired, I listened to the whisper of the stars,
which always had something to tell,
regardless of whether it was day or night.

Nothing touched my senses more
than the laughter of the trees
when the first rain after a long drought
touched their tired branches.

I lived my life
between the dust of the moths' wings
and the buzzing of busy wild bees.

When I was thirsty, I drank from the silence of the lake,
which, like a mirror, concealed other worlds,
in which I could immerse myself
and be completely myself.

{Claudia Voglhuber}

October 08, 2024

*overflowing heart

Do you like to write poetry?

I do from time to time.

When I am walking alone
in between all the beauty of nature, 
it feels like my heart it overflowing
and the words just drop down from the sky into my head.
Often I do not have something to write with me,
so I loose them again.

Yesterday we had the first really foggy day. It did not take long and I was out to film a bit and take some pictures. Between the young walnut trees and the muted green of the meadow there were two yellow glowing spots of toadflax flowers. It was so beautiful, this suaveness in midst of the mist.
Further I collected some apples and nuts and I'm working on a new crochet project, I feel very inspired and motivated right now which I'm very grateful for.